Emily Rogers
Articles By

Emily Rogers

The Impact of Mindfulness on Improving Family Communication

“The greatest gift you can give your family is your time, your attention, and your love.” These wise words ring ...
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How to Create a Peaceful and Supportive Home Environment

Picture this: you wake up feeling refreshed, walk into your kitchen, and are greeted by the aroma of coffee and ...
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How to Teach Your Child Wellness Practices for Emotional Health

“Mommy, why is my tummy hurting?” You kneel down, meeting your child’s teary eyes, and try to figure out if ...
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The Importance of Self-Care in Overcoming Parenting Challenges

“If your cup is empty, you can’t pour from it.” This age-old adage rings especially true for parents. The journey ...
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How to Balance Discipline and Mindfulness in Parenting: A Guide for Nurturing Healthy Kids

Picture this: It’s dinner time, and your toddler has decided that broccoli is the enemy. Your instinct might be to ...
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The Future of Wellness Practices in Mindful Parenting: Nurturing Healthy Families from the Inside Out

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” Hippocrates wisely proclaimed centuries ago. Today, this ancient wisdom resonates ...
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How to Use Positive Language to Enhance Parent-Child Relationships

“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” – Peggy O’Mara Remember that dream you had of ...
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How to Use Mindfulness to Improve Sleep and Relaxation in Children

“Mommy, I can’t sleep,” your child whispers, their little face etched with worry. Sound familiar? As parents, we’ve all been ...
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How to Build a Supportive Community Around Family Wellness

Picture this: It’s a bright Saturday morning, and your family is gathered around the kitchen table, not just for a ...
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How to Resolve Conflicts with Mindful Communication Strategies

Have you ever had a disagreement escalate into a full-blown argument, leaving you feeling drained and disconnected? We’ve all been ...
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