Emily Rogers
Articles By

Emily Rogers

The Future of Mindful Communication in Parenting Practices

The Future of Mindful Communication Imagine a world where parent-child interactions are characterized by empathy, understanding, and open dialogue. A ...
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How to Approach Difficult Parenting Situations with Compassion

“The days are long but the years are short.” This familiar adage rings true for parents, particularly when navigating the ...
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Mastering Mindful Parenting: Calm Approaches to Common Challenges

“If your child has a tantrum about wearing blue socks instead of red socks, don’t try to reason with them ...
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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Child Development

Have you ever noticed how some children seem to navigate social situations with ease, while others struggle? Or how some ...
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How to Teach Your Child Mindful Communication Skills

Have you ever watched a conversation between two children quickly spiral into yelling, name-calling, or even a physical fight? As ...
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How to Practice Self-Care as a Parent for Better Well-Being

“Mommy needs a time out!” Have you ever muttered these words under your breath, feeling utterly drained? You’re not alone. ...
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How to Guide Your Child Through Managing Emotions Mindfully

Teaching Children Mindfulness “Mommy, I want the blue cup, not the red one!” Your five-year-old’s face contorts in frustration, a ...
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The Best Wellness Practices for Fostering a Positive Family Dynamic

Imagine this: you’re sitting around the dinner table, laughter filling the air as your family shares stories, jokes, and their ...
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The Future of Mindful Parenting: Nurturing Resilient Kids in a Modern World

Modern Family Using Tablet Together Remember the days when our biggest worry was our kids watching too much TV? Fast ...
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The Best Practices for Mindful Communication with Children

Have you ever told your child to do something, only to be met with resistance, a meltdown, or complete silence? ...
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