Emily Rogers
Articles By

Emily Rogers

The Best Strategies for Building Emotional Resilience in Children

As a nutritionist and meal prep coach, I witness firsthand the impact of a healthy lifestyle on overall well-being. But ...
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The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Social Relationships

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to navigate the complexities of social situations with grace and empathy, while ...
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How to Stay Calm and Present During Parenting Conflicts

Picture this: It’s dinnertime, and instead of your toddler happily gobbling down their food, they’re pushing it around their plate, ...
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How to Foster Understanding and Connection Through Communication

Have you ever felt like you were talking, but not truly connecting? Like your words were just bouncing off a ...
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The Role of Mindful Communication in Promoting Emotional Well-being

Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment that you later regretted? Or maybe you’ve found yourself ...
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How to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Mindful Communication

Have you ever dreaded a tough conversation so much that you avoided it entirely? We’ve all been there. Whether it’s ...
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How to Create an Emotionally Intelligent Family Environment

Have you ever wished your family could navigate those inevitable bumps in the road with a little more grace and ...
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The Power of Presence: Understanding Non-Verbal Communication in Mindful Parenting

Have you ever noticed how a child can sense your mood even before you utter a word? Children are incredibly ...
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How to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Family’s Daily Routine

The other day, my son came home from school buzzing with energy, a whirlwind of emotions after a long day. ...
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The Role of Meditation in Promoting Family Wellness

“A family is like a tree; its roots are deep in the past, its branches reach out to the future, ...
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